Business Interruption, Loss of Income, Business Income Insurance

As an addition to a regular business insurance policy many business owners opt to include business interruption insurance, also known as loss of income insurance or income insurance. This specialized type of policy protects the business owner from any loss of expected income that might occur as a result of a catastrophic event such as fire, flood, or windstorm.

There are some options when it comes to this type of coverage. Named Perils business interruption insurance will protect the policy holder in the event that specific perils that have been selected occur, such as fire damage or hurricane damage. All Risk Business Interruption Insurance covers every type of peril or catastrophe that can be included in a policy.

There is also the choice of Limited or Extended Indemnity.

Limited (or Earnings) Indemnity will cover the loss of income until the time that the property damage has been repaired or replaced and the business begins operating again. This type of policy costs less than the alternative but has its limitations.

Extended (or Profits) Indemnity goes one step further in that it covers the policy holder until profits return to the same level they were at before the peril occurred. It is limited by a time period that is established when initiating the policy.

There are many different areas of the business and expenses that can be compensated in the event of a peril and the process of ascertaining the full amount owed can become complicated, especially as the business involved becomes larger or more complicated. It is advisable to seek expert consultation,, like that which is offered by a public adjuster, that is not employed by the carrier of the policy if one is having difficulty understanding aspects of the policy or thinks they may be entitled to more than their insurance company has offered.

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Fire & Smoke

Fire Damage, Smoke Damage, Property Damage, Wildfire, Replacement Cost, Actual Cash Value

Flood Damage

Flood Damage, Overland Flood, Overland Water, Basement Flood Damage, Water Damage

Roof Leak

Roof Leak Damage, Roof Damage, Roof Shingle Damage, Property Damage Claims

Burst Pipes

Water Damage, Burst Pipe, Plumbing and Service Line Damage, Sewer backup, Overflow, Accidental Discharge

Lightning Damage

Lightning Damage, Physical damage, Secondary Effect Damage, Electromagnetic Effect Damage, Changes in Ground Reference Potential


Landslide, Mudslide and Snow Slide (Avalanche) Damage, Erosion, Weather Damage, Earthquakes

Sink Hole

Sinkhole Damage Claims, Natural Sinkholes, Man-Made Sinkholes, Water Main Break, Ground Collapse

Business Interruption

Business Interruption, Loss of Income, Business Income Insurance, Business Insurance Claims

Other Claims

Making another type of insurance claim? We can still help you get a better offer!

Know Your Rights!

Whether your claim is in regards to an automobile or vehicular accident, damages to your home or an industrial accident that results in building damages you have rights and options as to how you may proceed under Insurance Law.

You have the right to hire the experts of your choice to appraise and repair the damages to your property.

You have the right to seek a second expert opinion on any offer that you receive from your insurance provider. Insurance companies use clever tactics to pay their customers as little as possible on their claims. Public Adjusters specialize in getting the maximum pay-outs for our clients.

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